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Missionaries to the Indigenous Unreached of Oaxaca, Mexico

A Little Bit About "Los Lanes"
Noah was born in Minnesota as a "PK" (pastor's kid) and at the age of 11 moved to Wisconsin, where his parents continue to pastor. Noah went on his first missions trip to Mexico when he was 13, and soon after God had called him into a lifetime of missions! Noah pursued that call by attending Central Bible College and getting his master's degree in Intercultrual Studies at AGTS. During his college years he went on and led various missions trips. After college he came out to NJ (THAT was an act of God ;)) to figure out what his next steps were. He moved in with his sister and they both started attending Kingsway Church. Noah got involved at the church while he continued to seek God about Hs timing and the mission field. He met Mel, and their mutual calling for overseas missions led to a deep friendship and eventually marriage!
Mel was born in NJ as a "PK" (pastor's kid), raised as a "DYDK" (district youth director's kid), and then transitioned to an "MK" (missionary kid) at the age of 16. Through all of her "K" years she knew God was calling her into missions. She had been on some missions trips, but the biggest trip of all was when her parents announced they were becoming missionaries to Mexico! Mel spent her junior year in Costa Rica and graduated high school in Mexico City. Upon coming back to the states she struggled how to make sense of her call. God was faithful though, as He always is, and continued to guide her. She found her way to a beauty school and got connected at a great church (Kingsway Church). She would later meet Noah when he started attending the church, and within a few months of dating they were enaged!
We were married in May of 2012, and although we wanted to pursue missions immediatedly, we sensed the Lord saying "not yet". We are so glad we listened! God led us to become Associate Pastors/Youth Pastors at Life Chapel in Point Pleasant, NJ. God taught us abundantly about ministry and we loved being youth pastors to some of the world's greatest students! We also became foster parents and had the privelage of investing into and caring for some extremely special little ones.
Our missions call was confirmed during those years, as well as refined to be specifically for Mexico. With the blessing and encouragement of our {amazing} senior pastor, we began the application process in 2016 and became Career Appointed Missionaries to Mexico!
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